29 September 2014

Sunny and 75


This past weekend's weather was gorgeous: sunshine, no clouds, a light breeze and temps in the low 80s, with minimal humidity. Fall has arrived, folks! I don't know about you -- but I couldn't be happier. I'm not worried about sweaters and boots, I'll just be happy to keep this sunshine-y warm weather without sweating every time I step out the door! This is heavenly!

And not only was the weather gorgeous, but we had a fun weekend, too! Saturday morning I have a MOPS planning meeting with the rest of our leadership team. We got together to pray over each other, discuss any issues going on, whats coming up for the next month, and to let our kids play together at the McDonalds play place. After two hours, we were ready to leave -- but the kids weren't done playing together!

One of the ladies and I decided to take our kids to the park, where we sat for another two hours in the sun. The kids climbed, dug in the sand, went down every slide in sight, and managed to relatively stay out of trouble! Once it was lunchtime, we loaded in the car and headed home to eat and nap. Both kids slept -- and spent the afternoon outside again!

Sunday brought another great sermon at church. I honestly feel so recharged after listening to our pastor talk. He's just so uplifting -- and it never fails that at least some part of the sermon and worship hits close to home for me! Its like he's reading my mind, most of the time -- without even realizing it! And the kids both had a great time in their rooms, as well -- S played with friends, made crafts and learned her lesson. And L got to play in his room with one of his favorite ladies in the world: the pastor's wife! He was over the moon!

Weekends like this are so good for the soul. The only thing missing was a trip for some donuts -- but hey, there's always today!


  1. I'm so glad you had a good weekend! :)

  2. What a nice weekend! It makes me feel like such a bum. We sat all day Saturday and Sunday.
