This month, We are:
Counting down the time until October. Its a big season for us - two birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas ... and a visit from family there, as well. Fall is always a fun time around here!
Cooking everything comfort-food-like! As soon as the weather started to cool down, I was dying to warm things up with the oven. Thoughts of beef stew, apple pie, and roasted chickens are filling my head! Yum!
Enjoying our new "schedule" of sorts! Between S's preschool a couple days a week, dance class, church classes and our MOPS schedule, the days are generally pretty full of fun, learning, and seeing our friends. Which makes us all a little happier!
Looking for all kinds of fun deals at thrift stores! I started getting really into yard sales just as the summer sales around here were winding down, and was a little sad that it was going to have to wait until next year, when it dawned on me -- we have a Goodwill, and many other thrift and consignment stores in the area! We hit up Goodwill earlier this week and found some clothes for the kids, a bunch of Christmas books to add to our collection, and a great glass jar to put on a shelf in the kitchen! Can't wait to see what other treasures we'll find!
Missing this past weekend at the beach, already. Sure, our camping got rained out just a bit ... and it was overcast two of the three days. But you guys - we were within walking distance of the BEACH! You could smell the salt in the air. The kids slept great at night ... because they got nothing BUT fresh air all day long. Can we just pack up and live in a tent/camper forever?! {As long as its at the beach!!}
Preparing for the next Children's Consignment Sale. This season, I was really on the ball. Within a week's time, I had all our clothes hung, labeled and organized. There are totes separated by category so we know what goes where and aren't running around crazy when we have to put everything out. I have a couple larger items that I still need to tag, but that will literally take me less than five minutes. I'm ready to make some money! {And spend it shopping the same sale, as well!}
Recording all the Fall shows! Like usual, our DVR is now full of cop shows, Fire and Rescue shows, and a few odds and ends, like Sons of Anarchy, and How to Get Away With Murder. Our days are filled with fun, and my nights are now filled {again} with great tv. Its a nice way to unwind!
Switching over our closets. Granted, the kids don't have a ton of clothes for the next season, but we are in the process of taking tank tops and shorts out, and replacing it with jeans and lots of layers -- hoodies and sweaters and all the good stuff that Fall requires. I'm sure we'll still have some warmer days here and there, but for the most, the hot weather is gone until Spring.
Spending the kids money! Well -- the kids are, anyways! We told them when we went camping that they could each bring $20 and we would take them to town and let them pick out their own treats -- whatever they wanted. L found both a fire fighter dress up set, and a pirate mask and equipment. He barely takes the pirate mask off! S bought herself a plush mermaid, and a Disney Princess magnetic dress up activity book. We've had a lot of fun playing with it {but not as much fun finding all the little pieces come clean up time!}
Waking up earlier and earlier! L has been having some trouble sleeping in the mornings. Twice this week he was up before the rest of the world -- 330am one day and 5am yesterday. Its been a chore trying to convince him that he needs to stay in bed and go back to sleep. Ugh. And go figure -- the days we need to be up and around to leave at 730am for preschool drop off? Those are the days when I have to drag him out of bed and feed him dry cereal on the road!
Welcoming our new niece, Maya, to the family! She was born last weekend, and is such a peanut! But she looks a lot like her daddy {my brother} and is a blessing to us all! If only Minnesota wasn't such a drive!! I'd love to hold and snuggle her!
What are you currently up to?
I am so ready for all the amazing comfort foods that come along with fall. :)