10 January 2014

Through The Years

Have you ever seen those photos posted of families recreating a snapshot from earlier days?! The grown siblings who snuggle up and pose just as they did as babies? I, for one, love them! Some are sweet and sentimental. Some are down right hilarious. Either way -- they make for something GREAT to look back on and remember! 

Without really planning on it, we did something much the same in our house. And now, every January, we make it a ritual to sit the kids down, on the same sides of a pose, and snap a picture. The first two of them have been enlarged over our couch, and I can't wait to add more as the years go on!

{And I'm really looking forward to, but NOT RUSHING, this picture of them all grown up!}


  1. I love these pictures, they are adorable!

  2. ADORABLE idea!!! I seriously am in love with your little girls curls!

  3. That is great. I've never heard of this but love the idea!
