30 September 2013

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday! 

Last week was full ... and fun! My parents were in town visiting, and spending all of their time and energy with the kids! 

They played dress up with their new superhero costumes. 

We had a celebration of sorts -- the kids birthdays and Christmas, all rolled into one day {since my parent's won't be here for either holiday}. 

They made cookies and homemade frosting with their Mimi, and thoroughly enjoyed eating them, too. 

And because the weather was so beautiful, they got outside plenty, to ride bikes, go for wagon rides, and ride their Jeep in the backyard! 

We miss them when they aren't here -- but boy, don't we all enjoy while they are down visiting! 


Last week, our goals were pretty undefined. Overall, we just wanted to have a good visit, and that was definitely accomplished. No complaints from any of us {even though I will admit, as much as I miss them when they aren't around, its nice getting my house back to normal once they leave!} 

This week, our goals are: 

1. Drop off everything for the sale {and hopefully sell everything!!}
2. Refrain from soda and candy bars at the stores this week {actually, all of October}
3. Stick to our meal plan for the week -- clean, low calorie meals that taste good
4. Get rid of the tv console in the play room and rearrange the furniture
5. Sit down and watch a movie with the kids, uninterrupted! 

What are your goals this week?!