19 September 2013

Currently ...

Currently, we are: 

CLEANING everything! With my parents coming into town in a week, we're trying to get the house in order. Living with two preschoolers, things get messy. Fast. But we're trying to tackle the rarely-cleaned areas [like the guest bathroom that never gets used...] while also staying on top of our normal weekly cleaning. Dusting, I *hate* you! 

EATING lots of apples. And pumpkin things. And warm, yummy breakfast foods. The weekends around here are starting to smell delicious. Bacon-y goodness ... hash browns ... delicious homemade blueberry pancakes. Nothing beats a good family breakfast to start to day right! 

ENJOYING our bi-weekly MOPS meetings. We had another one this week ... focusing on connecting with your child. And there was a lot of talking and sharing about our most "difficult" child. It all rang too true for this Mama. But it was nice to hear I am not the only one who experiences things like this ... and that it CAN be overcome! These meetings are good for my spirit! 

MEETING our neighbors ... after living here for a year already. And go figure -- we like them, and they are moving by this weekend. At least their parents live across the street from us, so we'll still see them, and their cute little munchkin, from time to time. 

READING Still Standing by SSG John Kriesel ... still. Its a great story ... I just need to find the time to read some more. Maybe I need to buy one of those head lamps, so I can sit up and read after M goes to sleep at night. He claims the Kindle light keeps him awake ... 

REMEMBERING Grandma. We went for a visit with Grampie the other weekend, and it was sweet to see both kids looking at the pictures of Grandma on the walls, talking about her and saying her name. At least they remember for now ... although I am sure its a memory that won't last long with L, at his age. 

THINKING about S's 4th birthday coming up. Hard to believe my little one will be that old ... and not so little anymore. She is obsessed with Sofia the First and Doc McStuffins ... and wants all things Disney for her birthday ... but wants a Barbie Birthday Party ... so I guess pink and ruffles and a Barbie cake need to be planned and taken care of. 
TRYING some new breakfast recipes! Not only do I enjoy getting up on the weekends to bake a good breakfast for the whole family, but we've all been bringing some brunch-type foods to our MOPS meetings, and its a good place to test out some yummy new things! 

WEARING jeans, finally! Sort of. I have probably two pair ... and they aren't fitting that great. So a shopping trip has been planned for next week to American Eagle. But in the meantime, these ones will do. 


  1. What a bummer that you just meet your neighbors and they are moving.
