25 August 2014

Weekend Recap

No matter how long vacation is, the first week back home almost ALWAYS seems to be a major adjustment period. And this past week was no different. I feel like all I did, and said, this was discipline and nag the kids. "Don't tease your sister." "Stay in your bed. It's bed time." "Eat what's on your plate." "Don't touch that." "Seriously -- stop teasing each other!" Over and over and over. I felt like a broken record. And I get it -- it really is an adjustment for all of us. I have to step back into the main caregiver, when I just had a week of relaxation, and other people helping out tending to the kids. And the kids have to go back to earlier bedtimes, scheduled nap times, routine. And not to mention -- there is no someone who is hounding them to clean their rooms, make their beds and take regular baths! Either way, within a few days, summer will have come to and end {even if the weather sticks around for awhile}. We'll be knee deep in church programs, dance classes and preschool. On top of fall fun, Mops meetings and play-dates at the park with friends. And as much as I love the summer, the sunshine and warm days, and occasional trips to the beach, I'm looking forward to what the Fall has to offer!


  1. I agree about the first week back after vacation being an adjustment! I hope this week goes smoothly for you. :)

  2. I always feel like I need a vacation after the vacation.. With my parents gone now, I know how you feel.. No one wants to listen anymore, and I'm constantly nagging.
