So you see, if I was stranded on a desert island, and just so happened to have packed my "survival" essentials to bring along, because, you know -- everyone plans for the just-in-case situations these days -- here's what I would make sure to bring along:
1. Mint Chip Ice Cream. Seriously -- a lifetime supply. I can live without meat, if I have to. I could do without bread, even though its one of my major weaknesses. But a life {or a year -- however long it takes someone to find me!} without that minty delicious-ness? That's just cruel.
2. An endless library's worth of books on kindle {and an endless battery, of course!} Heck, I would take that here at home as it is, as long as I had all the time in the world to read. Of course, my kids don't let that happen these days ... so its okay when a battery dies and I need time to charge it. But on the beach? Let me read forever!
3. This water filtration pen. Sure, ManCrates said matches weren't necessary. But I'm on the beach. Surrounded by water. I can eat all the fish I want. Have all the ice cream at my disposal. But what am I going to drink? The crystal clear water {after it's filtered, of course!}!
4. A Hammock. Some days, there is nothing better than hanging a hammock, laying back with something cold to drink, and enjoying the little breeze as the sun goes down.
5. My Nike Flip Flops. It may sound crazy ... but these things are super comfortable. I've had the same pair since college -- they last forever! Great beach wear, easy walking footwear in case I decide to "discover" where I'm stranded ... and they are sturdy enough to kill a decent sized bug. Win-Win in my book!
With a water filtration device, I could eat my ice cream {and fish} and drink water til the cows came home. Kick back in a comfy place to enjoy the breeze and the view, read endless books, and just enjoy. I'm sure I'd miss my family -- it really would be mighty quiet compared to my house. But wi-fi connection might just be a little too much to ask. After all, I'm requiring a never-ending kindle battery {Amazon ... get on that!} so we better not get too greedy, right?!
Man Crates is a great new company who have compiled a few "gift boxes" to send to men, or any survivalist/beer drinking/athletic women who might be interested, all sent in a wooden crate. Instead of your every day "another necktie?!" or coffee mug with a kid's face on it type of gift, these crates are stuffed with all the jerkies your beef {and other meat} eater could enjoy. Barware, shaving gear, and some pretty awesome "Zombie Apocalypse" survival crates. There's a little something for everyone! Check 'em out the next time you need a gift for that man in your life who already has everything!
Mint chip ice cream is the best!!!! We always have it stocked up in our house. :)