This month, we are:
Counting down the days until we are heading to Maine for a week. We're looking forward to seeing family, and friends, cooling off in the less-humid weather, and enjoying our time in town. We have a few things planned for our time there, and cannot wait!
Going To library story time! Finally! It only took us until the next-to-last week of this summer's already short program to get there, but we managed to make it and enjoy a few stories and a coloring project. The kids are already looking forward to next week's party!
Listening to Pandora non-stop these days. I turn it on when I'm in the shower. When I'm cooking dinner. And whenever I'm not listening to it, the kids are asking to take my phone so they can turn it on and listen, too. We're a country music loving family, what can I say?!
Picking lots of blueberries. Our neighbor has a bush they have told us to help ourselves to, since they don't eat the berries themselves. We went one day last week and got 10 cups of berries from half the bush. And haven't checked it much since. So yesterday S and I went to take a look, and wound up picking 12 cups in a matter of minutes, and barely making a dent! Yum!
Reading lots of good stuff lately. A combination of stuff I already have at home, a few new books, and some library books, as well. Currently, I'm reading MWF Seeking BFF -- its cute and funny and real easy going. A good summer read without being cheesy and lust-lit-like.
Sleeping together in S's room during thunderstorms. Although she has a full sized memory foam mattress, with two bed-hog toddlers, and a Mama in there, its not always the most comfortable situation. And of course, the kids think its an excuse to stay awake all night talking and giggling ... and then wake up cranky when the sun rises!
Watching Netflix, for the most part. M has been turning it on for movies lately, a lot, but I'm more the "whole tv series" type of person. I have to admit, we haven't finished Orange is the New Black, even though we both are enjoying it. Slow and steady, so it lasts a little bit, I guess. But I have been watching a lot of Heartland {a good Canadian tv show}. And the kids love that they can watch Arthur or Curious George anytime they want!
I have always wanted to visit Maine!