19 May 2014

Catching Sun, Catching Fish, Catching Up: Our Weekend in Review

{Our view from the hotel ... coastal Morehead City} 

 {The USS New York, made with material from the World Trade Center}

 {Poor guy -- he hated the wind and spent the entire time at the beach huddled up!}

Best Weekend EVER! We had such a great time at the beach this past weekend. So good, in fact, I didn't want to leave. But that was a given, long before we even got there. We headed down Friday afternoon, checked into our hotel, and quickly drove to Downtown Beaufort to walk around, check out the Maritime Museum and just enjoy the smells of salty beach air, as the sun shined and the breeze blew. Since we were there for a Wounded Warrior event, we all got together to have dinner that evening. All 100+ vets! It was a sight to see!

Saturday morning we were up before the sun to drop M off at the docks for a morning of fishing with the other vets, while the kids and I hung out on the beach. We tried our best to enjoy our time, but the wind was fighting against us. Poor L was just not a happy boy! He isn't one for cold, anyways, so it really made him mad. He spent most of our 2 hours there wrapped up in a towel, sitting in a camp chair, and fussing. S could care less -- she ran around collecting every seashell she could get her hands on, and splashing at the water's edge. We left after awhile to check out the old military fort, and then picked M up for lunch and naps. Another dinner together that evening at the beach, and the kids {and adults} were worn out! Quick showers all around and then we all passed out as soon as our heads hit the bed.

Sunday morning was bittersweet. We cleaned up the hotel room and piled into the car early to hit the road. I was sad to leave the beach. That laid back lifestyle? Oh yea ... it's made for me!

And now, to count down the days until our next salty-aired adventure ...