14 May 2013

Our First Five Years

I stepped off the plane on a Sunday evening. 

By Wednesday morning, we knew what we were doing was completely right. 

So that morning, we put on nice clothes. Got in the car. And drove. To Brunswick County Courthouse. And promised to spend the rest of our lives together, taking care of each other, providing for each other, and loving each other. 

We knew that we had an uphill battle. We didn't know all the little things about each other that most couples know before getting married. Things you learn when you are dating. 

And it seemed like the world was against us. They thought we would never last. That we didn't know what we were getting into. That we were crazy. 

Maybe we were crazy. We were living in the moment. And to us, that's all that mattered. 

That Wednesday was exactly five years ago, today. Five years that we have spent living ... loving ... creating new lives. Waking up to each other ... saying good night. Fighting. And then making up. Agreeing. Disagreeing. Learning about each other -- every day. 

Happy Anniversary, M. To another five years of living and loving. And continuing to learn new things every day! 


  1. Happy Happy Anniversary!! :) Wishing you a beautiful day.
