25 April 2013

The Wall That Heals

Recently, the traveling Vietnam Memorial made it's way to our town, and stayed set up at the local community college for almost a week.

Although I've seen it once before, it is something that can be viewed again and again, and still have an impact on you. So I told M I wanted to go, and we took the kids.

They had some older model Jeeps and Helicopters on display, and the local Air Force base had a police dog and his handler that put on a demonstration, as well. The kids loved both of those aspects the most ... but I was definitely, again, touched by the wall.

And by the number of people who were there actually looking for a name. Someone they knew. Maybe a loved one, or a friend ... or a battle buddy.

Someday, I hope to get to Washington and see the full scale model. But for the time being, this one will leave its mark on me, for sure.


  1. I had no idea there was a traveling wall, that is amazing. The one in DC is stunning.
