30 May 2010

Date Night

Long before we became a family of three, M. and I used to go out all the time. It was nothing for us to drop whatever we were doing, and just head to town. Grab dinner, maybe even a movie. Whether it was the matinee or a late night showing. It didnt matter -- we didnt have anyone else to worry about. Nor did we have someone to think about getting home to.

In November, when the Devil Pup was born, I suddenly had no desire to leave the house, unless she was attached to my hip. Or boob, I guess. Grocery store? She came. Walmart? She came. Dinner out? Yep -- she even came then. Heck, I brought her into work for staff meetings during my maternity leave!! It wasn't until she was 6 weeks old, and my parents were in town for 10 days, that I left the house without her.

That was our first date night -- and felt like a bit of a disaster. We went to see a movie, and ran to Walmart when it was done. Saw The Blind Side and thought it was a great movie -- but the whole time, all I could think about was getting home to our little girl. I even cried on the drive HOME! I was just ready to see her, even though I knew she was in great hands.

Things got a little rough for us, emotionally, as we tried to balance our marriage with parenthood. They always tell you how much work it is to be a parent. But they don't tell you how hard it can be to do both at the same time. We made a pact -- one night a month [at the least] we would get a sitter, and go out just M. and I. To help us get back to where we needed to be. With each date, things got a lot better for me -- being apart from the baby wasn't as hard. I still miss her when I'm gone, but I enjoy having adult-only conversations without someone throwing a spoon on the floor, or screaming from the carseat because they are tired or hungry.

We've done a few different things these past couple months -- including a hockey game, and an ice cream date. But mostly, we head to the movies. Its one thing we really cant enjoy with the baby in-tow at this age.

So last night, we hit up the movies. To see Sex and the City 2 -- I was in heaven!! Not only is the movie fabulous, the clothes are gorgeous, as well as the shoes. The two and a half hours flew by before I even realized it was almost over. And I was so happy that my husband would put up with a theater full of cackling women just to spend the night out of the house with me!

The baby was awake and happy to see us at 10pm when we got home. And I was happy to see her, as well -- although I'll openly admit I didn't once wonder if she was awake or asleep, eating or crying, the whole time we were gone. And I'll do it all again next month, when we hit the town again: just us two adults out for a good time!


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