12 May 2014

Goodbyes, Good Weather, and Plenty of Good Company: Our Weekend in Review

The weather was gorgeous this weekend. Which can only mean one thing: we found ourselves outside enjoying it as much as possible. Friday, we ran a couple errands and then had a play date with some friends. One of  S's little buddies moved out of state over the weekend, so Friday was the last time all these kids could get together and play with him. They had a blast, as always. Saturday, we spent the day out in the yard. The kids rode their Jeep around, and climbed all over the swing set, while I spent the time vacuuming and washing my car. Sure enough, my back has the evidence of all that time in the sun: a nice pink outline from my tank top! Sunday was Mothers Day, and I spent the day with the little ones who made me a Mom. We went to church, played outside, and took their Jeep for a ride down the road. As long as the kids were smiling, I was happy. It was a laid back weekend, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!


  1. You can never go wrong with good weather! We have had amazing weather too.

  2. Sounds like a great weekend. We had amazing weather too, and spent it soaking up the rays!

  3. Sounds like a great weekend! I have to say, I am jealous of all this sunny warm weather I see on here!
